Friday, October 17, 2008

Loopy Lupron

As you can see from my history, I've done 6 medicated cycles so far with some what limited side effects...

Um yeah. Hot flashes, terrible headaches, VERY, VERY short temper, upset stomach... enough said. What a miserable drug this is. Is this normal???

I asked the nurses and they said it was removing estrogen and testosterone from my body, which basically mimics menopause. I joked with the Hub, "Honey, look what you have to look forward to?" Hopefully he won't divorce me in anticipation.

2 days into the Gonal F pen, and I'm starting to feel better. In my head, or physiological, not sure, but who cares... I'm not feeling ready to start a fight with the next person who looks at me funny.

I'm trying to avoid thinking too much about this cycle. When I allow myself to do that, I start to go down the path of thinking about all the things that could go wrong. No Follicles, Not mature, No Fertilization, Poor quality, No implantation, NEGATIVE... trying to stay positive.

Sometimes ignorance is bliss...

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