Monday, December 10, 2007

A few months off!

It's confirmed. BFN. We are on to the next step. Hubby and I met with our RE on Friday and we are on to injectables. However, we decided to take a little time off while we take a much needed vacation.

Interesting discussion with the RE and his nurses. Again, I'm not complaining as I read so many of you who have no insurance. Our treatment is largely being dictated by insurance.

My RE was going into his discussion about the fact that we should do 3 inj cycles. I asked him directly, "Is this the course of treatment you would recommend for us, or is insurance dictating this?" He answered honestly and said, yes, I think you should move to IVF, but we would never get it approved. The nurses confirmed this as well. Again, I'm grateful for the coverage, but amazed at how much insurance companies dictate the course of patient care. I guess I should not be surprised by this, but it's the first time it's happened to me.

I'm actually excited to take a break from all of this. I'm going to go to the gym, not worried about doing something too bouncy, or getting my heartrate over 140. I'm going to get healthy for 2 months. Oh yeah, and enjoy plenty of holiday wine.


Adriane said...

Sounds like you have a great plan for the next couple of months. The insurance stuff sucks!!!

A'Dell said...

What is so silly is that 3 rounds of injections could cost almost as much as one round of IVF.

It's so dumb that you have to play by the statistics that work in THEIR favor and not yours by hoping you get preggo soon rather than going for something that might cost the same in the end, but save you a whole lot of stress and time.

HURRAH for working out and wine and getting your heart pumping. I have been thinking the same thing lately - looks like we might take Jan off.

LIW (Lady In Waiting) said...

So sorry for the BFN!!! And I understand your frustration with the control that insurance exerts over our lives. The only reason that we were able to go to ivf after one IUI is because Mr. LIW's two morphology tests came back 2% and 0% respectively. If it wasnt' for that, we would have had to have done at least 3 IUIs. I agree that we are lucky that we have insurance at all but insurance companies can be cruel!!

Glad you are taking a break to heal your soul a bit!!