Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Another pregnant friend

No, not my furbaby... but my friend, on her first stim cycle. Fun. She actually said to me yesterday, "It's so much better naturally. This is too stressful, having too much information". Well, no shi_ sherlock... welcome to the club.
Anyway, moving on... well, sort of... No D&C for me, but the scan was not all clear either, so I wait to see what happens. Again.

Anyway, enough negativity for today. My neighbor takes care of my furbaby and took these pictures... Aren't they cute? He's getting spoiled, he needs a sibling.

1 comment:

Adriane said...

I'm so sorry about the news of your friend being pregnant. It's so hard to celebrate good news with others when we are in the complete opposite situation.

The scan is still not clear.....will you go back to get another one soon? How long do you have to wait?

Furbaby is so cute!!!!